Thursday, 25 April 2013

How to Intentionally Forget a Memory?

DISCLAIMER: THIS POST is not by any means liable on the effects of the below information. Discretion is advised.
Direct Suppression
Try to block out all thoughts of a certain memory.

Increases activity in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (orange), which mediates working memory and cognitive control.
Reduces activity in the hippocampus (blue), an area important for conscious recollection.

Thought Substitution
Try to forget by substituting the unwanted memory with a more desired one.

Increases activity in the left caudal prefrontal cortex (green), thought to decrease saliency of intrusive memories, and the midventrolateral prefrontal cortex (red), which helps to retrieve a specific memory.
Source: Scientific American

Additional info.

Direct suppression means that when a memory flashes in your mind, you force yourself to erase it immediately by suppressing the thought.

Thought substitution means that everytime a memory, let's say, an unpleasant one, pops in your mind, you replace it with a good memory. Example, a memory of you tripping in public and everyone laughing at you emerge, and then to avoid feeling bad, you try to remember your first date.


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