Thursday, 25 April 2013

Omar Borkan Al Gala

Meet Omar Borkan Al Gala , the hunk from UAE deported from Saudi Arabia because officers of the country's morality police, fearing for the safety of their women, thought he was too handsome to be allowed to stay.
According to Jezebel, Omar Borkan Al Gala, a Dubai-based actor, photographer and poet, was one of three men from the UAE attending the Jenadriyah Heritage and Cultural Festival in Riyadh as delegates.
Digital Journal reported that he and his colleagues were kicked out Saudi Arabia because they was just too handsome to be allowed to stay and expose modest Saudi Arabian women to unaccustomed carnal temptations.
News that some UAE men were kicked out of the conservative Sunni kingdom out of fear of exposing women to spiritual dangers of carnal lust first appeared in the Arabic newspaper Elaph. According to Elaph: "A festival official said the three Emiratis were taken out on the grounds they are too handsome and that the Commission members feared female visitors could fall for them."
Both Elaph and Sky Dancing Blog reported that Al Gala was at the UAE's pavilion at the Riyad festival when an incident involving a well known UAE female singer, Aryam, led to the feared religious morality police, the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, storming the UAE pavilion and unceremoniously bundling him and his colleagues out of the festival and out of the kingdom entirely!
Sky Dancing Blog confirmed Aryam went to the UAE pavilion but the artiste explained she visited the pavilion as a delegate of the UAE. According to Sky Dancing Blog, Aryam said she was invited by the Abu Dhabi Culture and Tourism Authority.


How to Intentionally Forget a Memory?

DISCLAIMER: THIS POST is not by any means liable on the effects of the below information. Discretion is advised.
Direct Suppression
Try to block out all thoughts of a certain memory.

Increases activity in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (orange), which mediates working memory and cognitive control.
Reduces activity in the hippocampus (blue), an area important for conscious recollection.

Thought Substitution
Try to forget by substituting the unwanted memory with a more desired one.

Increases activity in the left caudal prefrontal cortex (green), thought to decrease saliency of intrusive memories, and the midventrolateral prefrontal cortex (red), which helps to retrieve a specific memory.
Source: Scientific American

Additional info.

Direct suppression means that when a memory flashes in your mind, you force yourself to erase it immediately by suppressing the thought.

Thought substitution means that everytime a memory, let's say, an unpleasant one, pops in your mind, you replace it with a good memory. Example, a memory of you tripping in public and everyone laughing at you emerge, and then to avoid feeling bad, you try to remember your first date.